"A mind preoccupied with the unknown - the vast potential
in every moment - is bound to delight in horror and monster
films, because the subconscious is made manifest, the horror
revealed - even one transcendent moment in a film can thrill.
drawn to horror movies by that combination of metaphor and
heightened reality. The focus on fear, the most potent and
influential of human emotions, draws attention to the elemental
forces at work in life's interactions.
a result, Horror possesses a certain psychological rawness
not found in other genres. Horror suggests a world unknown,
which at least opens the mind to spiritual issues. There
is an aesthetic in that, an aesthetic of mystery, darkness,
but also of transcendence.
I am also interested in sadness, because violence and disorientation
have reprocussions beyond the individual's horror, there
is haunting and loss for those left behind.
My interest is to bring classic horror themes into an everyday
modern scenario, and to use the genre to explore the philosophies
and yearnings of people in extreme but real situations."